Core Link Failure: WIL-THN Backbone

Event Started
2024-05-16 10:48
Report Published
2024-05-16 15:57
Last Updated
2024-05-19 14:26
Event Finished
2024-05-16 23:04

We're aware of a core link failure affecting our MA1 Williams House to Telehouse North path.

Timeline (most recent first)
  • 2024-05-19

    We're closing this incident as resolved.

  • 2024-05-17

    The root cause was… National Grid installing a pylon.

  • 2024-05-16

    The link seems to have come back to life. We are waiting on feedback from the carrier.

  • 2024-05-16

    The last update from the carrier was to say "Fibre break between Evesham and Bradley Stoke. Engineers been dispatched."

  • 2024-05-16

    We still have our secondary KIL-THW path, as well as a "tunnel of last resort", between our North and South networks.