Fibre Break in London Backbone

Event Started
2022-10-25 11:58
Report Published
2022-10-25 12:04
Last Updated
2022-11-01 06:55
Event Finished

Linked Events

Our monitoring shows an issue with one of the our backbone fibres in London (between Telehouse West and Interxion LON2).

Timeline (most recent first)
  • 2022-11-01

    With no further updates forthcoming, we're closing this issue with an inconclusive root cause.

  • 2022-10-25

    The last update we received from the fibre provider continues to be inconclusive:

    There are 15 joints along the dark fiber. We have cross checked the known activity to all the manholes etc through the path and we found none.

    We will monitor the situation.

  • 2022-10-25

    Initial response from the fibre provider is inconclusive. We're discussing further.

  • 2022-10-25

    We're still waiting for an update from our fibre provider.

  • 2022-10-25

    Light levels on the affected fibre path dropped significantly around 12:00, before coming back to about 0.5dBm lower than they were before this incident.

    We don't yet have an explanation why, but we suspect that some works may have caused a microbend in the cable affecting this path. We are in touch with the underlying fibre owner to find out if this is the case, or if there was some other issue which could have caused this.

  • 2022-10-25

    We've seen traffic return to normal levels after disruption to our fibre ring in London. We're investigating.