Incorrect SIM Deactivations 3G/4G/5G SIMs

Event Started
2022-09-20 01:00
Report Published
2022-09-20 08:19
Last Updated
2022-11-16 21:32
Event Finished

We've been made aware of an issue at our mobile network partner, where Cisco Jasper has decided to activate disabled automation rules. This has caused some high-usage SIMs to be switched off. We're correcting this manually, and chasing Tele2 for an update:

Tele2 IoT customers are experiencing issues with automation rules in Control Center. All automation rules that have been created and are in a disabled state now are enabled due to issues/bugs in the Control Center.

Currently, the platform vendor is informed and investigating. The next update will follow when new information is available.

Customer action required: Kindly check automation rules and disable rules that have been enabled due to bug

Timeline (most recent first)
  • 2022-09-23

    We have identified the number of affected customers where automation rules have caused account Rate Plans changes and further troubleshooting will be individual with each of the affected customers.

  • 2022-09-20

    Tele2 IoT platform vendor is still running a report to identify all changes made by automation rules that were supposed to be disabled.

    Once the reports are finished, the vendor will start reverting back to the changes for the affected SIMs.

    The first batch of SIM is being prepared.

    The next update will follow when new information is available.

  • 2022-09-20

    Tele2 Platform Vendor has reverted automation rule status back to the state that they were in before the issue appeared.

    From the Tele2 IoT side, we also confirm that the automation rules have been disabled again.

    Currently, the Platform Vendor is investigating SIM cards affected by the wrongly activated automation rules to revert any changes that have been made.

    The next update will follow when new information is available.

  • 2022-09-20

    Tele2 has informed us that Cisco is working on it:

    The issue has been identified and our platform vendor is working to disable automation rules that are enabled due to the bug.